Since His Arrival, People Adopted More Than 800 Dogs, But No One Took Innocent Alexander Home.

A sheltered dog’s day could not get better when it gets adopted by a loving human. Dogs get care when they are at a shelter, but it is not the same as a dog’s care from a caring owner. You do not get to hang out with a human who takes care of you all the time, and you do not get to go to the owner’s favorite places with the owner and explore things or get to play with the owner, like that a dog misses a lot when it does not have an owner to take care of it. Alexander, in this story, missed all those fantastic moments for more than a year, but his destiny was not fixated on him being in the shelter forever.

Resident at Wags and Walks

Alexander is a handsome two years old dog who has been a resident at Wags and Walks shelter in Los Angeles for 15 months. Alexander’s paperwork says it is a shepherd/Doberman. The Wags and Walks shelter thinks Alexander has some Dane in him. According to a Facebook post by Wags and Walks shelter, this adorable dog is a gentle giant who weighs about 80 pounds. He was working on his leash skills, was very affection driven, and loved learning. Wags and Walks rescued him from a crowded shelter where his life was at risk.

Image Credits: Wags and Walks

No one wanted Alexander.

Although little Alexander was in good care at the hands of the shelter, he missed the love he could get from an owner for more than a year. He felt alone when people came to take his friends to new homes. He could only look at the people with his sad eyes. He could not ask for them to take him with his friend too. People adopted more than 800 dogs when he was in the shelter, yet no one chose to take Alexander home.

A new home for the left-out dog

Chloe Esperiquette, development manager at Wags and Walks, said that seeing wonderful Alexander sitting and waiting for that amount of time through no fault of their own has been hard and heartbreaking for all of them here at Wags. But one day, things changed.

It was January 27th. A lovely couple chose to adopt Alexander. This was exciting news for everyone at Wags and Walks, including Alexander. Everyone was waiting for someone to come to take this adorable dog home, and that day happened. After staying at Wags and Walks shelter for 477 days, a family finally adopted him.

Image Credits: Wags and Walks

Wags and Walks Shelter shared this fantastic news with everyone. They wrote in their Instagram post that they are so excited to share that thanks to this community and people’s support, after 477 days of patiently waiting for a home, their sweet boy has headed to an adoption trial with an incredible family.

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